Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription

Project Overview:


We have successfully assembled a comprehensive dataset of Japanese OCR Images Data, including OCR images and their precise transcriptions in Japanese. This dataset is designed to enhance the training and evaluation of OCR and text recognition models.


Our project entailed the meticulous collection and transcription of a diverse array of images containing Japanese text, crafting a dataset that guarantees quality for OCR model development.

Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription


  • We sourced a wide-ranging collection of image types, including scanned documents and handwritten notes, and utilized crowdsourcing to augment our dataset with authentic handwritten text samples.
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Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total OCR Images Collected: 50,000 images
  • Handwritten Samples Collected: 10,000 samples
  • Total Data Annotated: 60,000 data points

Annotation Process


Our team curated and annotated a varied set of images, employed OCR technology for initial text extraction, and engaged Japanese-speaking experts for meticulous transcription validation.

Annotation Metrics

  • OCR Images with Transcriptions: 50,000 pairs
  • Handwritten Samples: 10,000 samples
  • Transcription Validation Cases: 5,000 (randomly selected for validation)
Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
Japanese OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription

Quality Assurance


We conducted rigorous transcription verification and adhered to stringent privacy and data security protocols to ensure the integrity and security of the dataset.

QA Metrics

  • Transcription Validation Accuracy: Ensure a high level of accuracy (e.g., 99%+) in transcription validation.
  • Privacy Audits: Ongoing to ensure compliance


The dataset we have collated is an invaluable asset for the advancement of OCR and text recognition technology in the Japanese language, characterized by its diversity and precision.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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