Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)

Project Overview:


As a leading data collection and annotation company, we specialize in providing diverse datasets, including images, videos, text, and speech, to train sophisticated machine learning models. This case study highlights our successful project in collecting and annotating a substantial dataset of EU Spanish youth voice recordings, specifically for improving the responsiveness of Alexa wake words.


Our objective was to gather and annotate a large volume of EU Spanish youth voice recordings. Small businesses and startups need to get strategic with their limited marketing budgets. We really honed in on getting a wide variety of accents, dialects, and ways young Europeans speaking Spanish express themselves.

Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)
Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)
Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)
Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)


  • Participants: Collaborate with EU Spanish-speaking youth who consent to contribute audio clips of them saying “Alexa” in different contexts.
  • Voice Actors: Hire professional voice actors fluent in EU Spanish to create synthetic wake word recordings for added diversity and control.
case study-post
Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)
Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Data Collected: 150,000 voice recordings
  • Total Data Annotated: 120,000 voice recordings
  • Age Group: 10-18 years
  • Geographic Focus: Spain and EU Spanish-speaking regions
  • Duration: 6 months

Annotation Process


  1. Wake Word Annotation: Accurately mark the temporal boundaries of the “Alexa” wake word within each audio clip.
  2. Participant Demographics: Gather metadata about participants, including age, accent, and gender
  3. Recording Conditions: Document recording conditions such as ambient noise levels and recording devices used.

Annotation Metrics

  • Audio Clips with Wake Word Annotations: 15,000
  • Participant Demographic Metadata: 15,000
  • Recording Condition Metadata: 15,000
Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)
Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)
Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)
Alexa Wake Words in EU Spanish (Youth)

Quality Assurance


Annotation Verification: Implement a robust validation process involving automated verification tools and human reviewers to ensure precise wake word annotations.
User Consent: Ensure that participants’ audio clips have explicit consent for usage in the dataset and anonymize any personally identifiable information.
Privacy Compliance: Adhere to privacy regulations, including data protection policies and mechanisms for participants to opt out or request data removal.

QA Metrics

  • Annotation Validation Cases: 1,500 (10% of total)
  • Privacy Audits: 9,000 (for participant-contributed data)


This project exemplifies our capability in handling large-scale data collection and annotation tasks with precision and efficiency. With our knack for crafting custom datasets for machine learning, we’re a top pick when it comes to similar future projects.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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