Afrikaans general conversation dataset

Project Overview:


Our project, “Afrikaans General Conversation Dataset”, is aimed at creating a comprehensive dataset that captures the nuances of everyday Afrikaans conversations. This project’s vision is to provide a foundational dataset for AI models, facilitating more accurate and natural language processing in Afrikaans.


To achieve this, our focus has been on collecting and annotating a wide variety of general conversations in Afrikaans. These include dialogues from everyday life, discussions on current events, and typical interactions across various social settings. The goal is to ensure that AI models trained with this dataset can understand and respond to a broad spectrum of conversational contexts in Afrikaans.

Afrikaans general conversation dataset
Afrikaans general conversation dataset
Afrikaans general conversation dataset
Afrikaans general conversation dataset


  • Data was sourced through voluntary participation from a diverse group of native Afrikaans speakers.
  • Methods included recording public discussions, one-on-one interviews, and group conversations.
  • All interactions were conducted with informed consent and adhered to privacy standards.
case study-post
Afrikaans general conversation dataset
Afrikaans general conversation dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Conversations Collected: 15,000
  • Conversations from Social Media Platforms: 6,000
  • Recorded Dialogues from Public Places: 4,500
  • Interviews and Group Discussions: 4,500

Annotation Process


  1. Conversation Summarization: Each conversation is annotated with a brief summary, capturing the main topics and sentiments expressed.
  2. Contextual Tags: We tag conversations with contextual information such as setting, tone, and participants’ demographics.

Annotation Metrics

  • Conversations Annotated with Summaries: 15,000
  • Conversations with Contextual Tags: 15,000

Quality Assurance

QA Metrics

  • Reviewed Annotations: 3,000 (20% of total)
  • Data Cleansing: Systematic removal of low-quality or off-topic conversations


The “Afrikaans General Conversation Dataset” represents a groundbreaking resource for developing AI applications that can seamlessly interact in Afrikaans. It’s a treasure trove of real-life conversations, meticulously annotated to train state-of-the-art language models. This dataset is not just a collection of words; it’s a gateway to understanding and interacting with the Afrikaans-speaking world. It paves the way for innovative applications in natural language processing, enhancing communication and understanding in this vibrant language community.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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