Video Summarization for News Clips

Project Overview:


The “Video Summarization for News Clips” project aims to create a dataset for training machine learning models to automatically generate concise and informative summaries of news video clips. This dataset will be valuable for news agencies and viewers seeking quick access to the key highlights and information from video news content.


This project involves collecting video news clips from various sources, including news websites, TV broadcasts, and online platforms, and annotating them with accurate summaries that capture the essential points and highlights of each clip.

Video Summarization for News Clips
Video Summarization for News Clips
Video Summarization for News Clips
Video Summarization for News Clips


  • News Websites: Gather video news clips from reputable news websites and online news portals.
  • TV Broadcasts: Record and collect video news segments from television broadcasts.
  • Online Platforms: Access publicly available video news content from platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.
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Video Summarization for News Clips
Video Summarization for News Clips

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Video News Clips: 10,000 clips
  • News Websites: 6,000
  • TV Broadcasts: 2,000
  • Online Platforms: 2,000

Annotation Process


  1. Video Summarization: Annotate each video news clip with a concise summary that captures the key information, events, and highlights presented in the video.
  2. Metadata Logging: Log metadata, including the source of the clip, date, time, and relevant keywords or topics covered in the news clip.

Annotation Metrics

  • Video News Clips with Summaries: 10,000
  • Metadata Logging: 10,000
Video Summarization for News Clips
Video Summarization for News Clips
Video Summarization for News Clips
Video Summarization for News Clips

Quality Assurance


Annotation Verification: Implement a validation process involving journalism experts to review and verify the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the video summaries.
Data Quality Control: Ensure the removal of clips with low-quality audio or video, as well as any irrelevant or off-topic content.
Data Security: Protect sensitive information, copyrights, and maintain compliance with intellectual property rights.

QA Metrics

  • Annotation Validation Cases: 1,000 (10% of total)
  • Data Cleansing: Remove low-quality, irrelevant, or off-topic clips


The “Video Summarization for News Clips” dataset is a valuable resource for news agencies and viewers looking to access concise and informative summaries of news video content. With accurately annotated video news clips and comprehensive metadata, this dataset empowers the development of advanced video summarization models and tools that can save time, provide quick access to news highlights, and enhance the news-watching experience. It contributes to the efficiency and accessibility of news consumption in a fast-paced digital world.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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