Chinese English Media Audio Dataset

Project Overview:


The “Chinese English Media Audio Dataset” initiative is designed to develop a comprehensive dataset that facilitates advanced research and development in bilingual speech recognition and translation technologies. This dataset plays a pivotal role in enhancing machine understanding of Chinese and English languages, supporting various applications like automated translation services, media analysis, and educational tools.


The project encompasses the accumulation and annotation of audio recordings in both Chinese and English. These recordings are sourced from diverse demographics to ensure variety in dialects, accents, and linguistic nuances. The dataset is a blend of naturally occurring speech and scripted recordings, providing a rich resource for nuanced language processing.

Chinese English Media Audio Dataset
Chinese English Media Audio Dataset
Chinese English Media Audio Dataset
Chinese English Media Audio Dataset


  • Community Contributors: Engage with bilingual speakers who contribute natural speech samples in both languages.
  • Media Extracts: Utilize extracts from various media sources to include a wide range of dialects and accents.
  • Scripted Recordings: Work with professional voice artists for specific linguistic scenarios.
case study-post
Chinese English Media Audio Dataset
Chinese English Media Audio Dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Audio Recordings: 30,000 recordings
  • Community Contributors: 15,000
  • Media Extracts: 10,000
  • Scripted Recordings: 5,000

Annotation Process


  1. Bilingual Segmentation: Annotate each recording with specific language markers, identifying segments in Chinese and English.
  2. Contextual Metadata: Log contextual information, including dialect, speech context, and technical quality markers.

Annotation Metrics

  • Bilingual Segmentation Labels: 30,000
  • Contextual Metadata Entries: 30,000
Chinese English Media Audio Dataset
Chinese English Media Audio Dataset
Chinese English Media Audio Dataset
Chinese English Media Audio Dataset

Quality Assurance


Annotation Review: Implement a rigorous review process to ensure the accuracy of language segmentation and metadata accuracy.
Audio Quality Control: Maintain high standards for audio clarity, eliminating recordings with excessive noise or distortion.
Data Security and Privacy Compliance: Uphold strict data protection measures, ensuring compliance with global privacy standards and securing user consent where necessary.

QA Metrics

  • Reviewed Annotations: 3,000 (10% of total)
  • Data Cleansing: Exclude low-quality or non-compliant recordings


The “Chinese English Media Audio Dataset” is an invaluable asset in the field of bilingual audio processing. With its diverse and meticulously annotated audio recordings, the dataset lays the groundwork for sophisticated speech recognition and translation solutions. This project not only aids in technological advancements but also bridges linguistic barriers, facilitating smoother communication and understanding in our increasingly interconnected world.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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