WLASL (World Level American Sign Language) Video

WLASL (World Level American Sign Language) Video


WLASL (World Level American Sign Language) Video


WLASL (World Level American Sign Language) Video

Use Case

WLASL (World Level American Sign Language) Video


WLASL (Word-Level American Sign Language) dataset with 12,000 processed videos covering 2,000 ASL words. Ideal for research and machine learning in sign language recognition, licensed under C-UDA

WLASL (World Level American Sign Language) Video


The WLASL dataset is the largest collection of videos for word-level American Sign Language (ASL) recognition. It includes approximately 12,000 processed videos, covering 2,000 commonly used ASL words. This dataset aims to advance research in sign language understanding and improve communication between deaf and hearing communities.

Download Dataset
  • WLASL_v0.3.json: Contains the glossary and video instance details required for processing.
  • Videos Folder: Comprises approximately 12k videos, each named according to its unique video_id.


This dataset is ideal for:

  • Word-Level Action Recognition: Classifying ASL words into textual representations.
  • Sign Language Research: Facilitating the development of models for sign language understanding.
  • Computer Vision Applications: Training and testing models for word-level sign language recognition.


The WLASL dataset is created by Dongxu Li and Hongdong Li and is licensed under the Computational Use of Data Agreement (C-UDA). Please refer to the C-UDA-1.0 license for detailed terms.


  • How can we classify word-level ASL actions into text accurately?
  • What are the best-performing models for word-level sign language recognition?

License and Updates:

  • License: Computational Use of Data Agreement (C-UDA)
  • Expected Update Frequency: Never

This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

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