US Tech Companies Dataset

US Tech Companies Dataset


US Tech Companies Dataset


US Tech Companies Dataset

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US Tech Companies Dataset


Explore the Top 50 US Tech Companies Dataset with metrics like revenue, market cap, employee size, and more. Perfect for market research, business analysis, and AI projects.

US Tech Companies Dataset


Discover detailed business insights with our comprehensive dataset featuring the top 50 technology companies in the United States. This dataset includes both quantitative and categorical metrics, providing a snapshot of the leading players in the US tech industry. Perfect for market analysis, research, or AI and machine learning applications.

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Dataset Specifications:

  • Rows: 50 (one for each leading tech company)
  • Columns: 10 (detailing company-specific metrics)

Key Features: This dataset includes key business attributes for each company, such as revenue, market capitalization, employee size, and tax information, covering the period from 2022 to 2023. The columns in the dataset are as follows:

  1. Company Name – (String) The name of the tech company
  2. Industry – (String) The industry sector in which the company operates (e.g., software, hardware, cloud computing)
  3. Sector – (String) The specific business specialization of the company (e.g., cybersecurity, e-commerce)
  4. Headquarters State – (String) The state where the company’s corporate headquarters is located
  5. Founding Year – (Integer) The year the company was established
  6. Annual Revenue (2022-2023) – (Float, in Billions USD) The company’s total annual revenue for 2022-2023
  7. Market Capitalization (USD in Trillions) – (Float) The total market value of the company’s outstanding shares (in Trillions USD)
  8. Stock Symbol – (String) The stock symbol used by the company in the financial markets
  9. Annual Income Tax (2022-2023) – (Float, in Billions USD) The total income tax paid by the company during the 2022-2023 period
  10. Employee Size – (Integer) The total number of employees working for the company

Why Use This Dataset?

  • Market Research: Compare and analyze the financial health and market position of the top tech giants in the US.
  • Business Insights: Understand revenue trends, tax obligations, and employment scales within the US tech industry.
  • AI and ML Applications: Leverage data for machine learning projects related to company performance analysis, market prediction, and industry trends.

How to Use: Perfect for analysts, researchers, and AI practitioners looking to explore the business landscape of US tech companies. This dataset is ideal for business intelligence, financial analysis, and developing predictive models.

This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

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