Toyota Motors Stock Data (1980-2024)

Toyota Motors Stock Data (1980-2024)


Toyota Motors Stock Data (1980-2024)


Toyota Motors Stock Data (1980-2024)

Use Case

Toyota Motors Stock Data (1980-2024)


Access Toyota Motor Corporation's (Ticker: TM) daily stock trading data from 1980 to 2024. Includes adjusted close prices, highs, lows, opening/closing prices, and trading volumes


Explore daily stock trading data for Toyota Motor Corporation (Ticker: TM) from 1980 to 2024, sourced from Yahoo Finance. This dataset includes metrics like adjusted close prices, highs, lows, opening/closing prices, and trading volumes, perfect for financial analysis, time-series forecasting, and machine learning applications.

Download Dataset

Gain access to Toyota Motor Corporation’s (Ticker: TM) daily stock trading data from 1980 to 2024, meticulously sourced from Yahoo Finance. This dataset provides over four decades of historical stock performance, offering a wealth of information for financial analysis and predictive modeling.

Key Features

  • Time Period: Covers stock trading data spanning 1980 to 2024.
  • Comprehensive Records: Includes 11,000+ rows of trading data (updated regularly).
  • File Size: Lightweight ~778 KB, easily manageable for analysis.

Dataset Contents

Each record includes critical stock trading metrics:

  • Adjusted Close Price: Reflects the stock’s value after adjustments for corporate actions like splits or dividends.
  • Opening Price: The price at which the stock opened on a given day.
  • Closing Price: The final trading price for the day.
  • High Price: The highest price reached during the trading session.
  • Low Price: The lowest price recorded during the trading session.
  • Trading Volume: The total number of shares traded on a specific day.

Applications of the Dataset

This dataset is perfect for:

  1. Financial Analysis:

    • Track Toyota’s stock trends over the years.
    • Identify key patterns and price movements.
  2. Time-Series Forecasting:

    • Develop machine learning models for predicting stock prices and market trends.
    • Perform seasonal or trend analysis for investment strategies.
  3. Investment Research:

    • Analyze stock performance before major events or market shifts.
    • Study trading volumes and their impact on price movements.
  4. Market Behavior Insights:

    • Understand historical market behaviors using Toyota’s stock data.
    • Explore the effects of economic and geopolitical events on stock prices.

This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

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