Sunflower Growth Stages

Sunflower Growth Stages


Sunflower Growth Stages


Sunflower Growth Stages

Use Case

Sunflower Growth Stages


Explore the Drone-Based Agricultural Growth Stages Dataset with 12,800 images captured by a DJI Phantom 3 drone, showcasing 8 crop growth stages from sprouting to harvest.


The Drone-Based Agricultural Growth Stages Dataset features 12,800 high-resolution images captured with a DJI Phantom 3 drone over a 30-acre field in TekirdaÄŸ, Turkey. Spanning 8 distinct crop growth stages, from sprouting to harvest, this dataset is ideal for deep learning applications in crop monitoring, classification, and precision agriculture.

Download Dataset

The Drone-Based Agricultural Growth Stages Dataset is a meticulously curated collection of 12,800 high-resolution images designed to capture the growth stages of crops in a 30-acre field in Tekirdağ / Köseilyas, Turkey. Captured using a DJI Phantom 3 drone, this dataset offers invaluable insights into plant development from sprouting to harvest, providing an essential resource for agricultural research and deep learning model development.

Dataset Overview

Image Collection Process

  • Field Details: 30-acre field planted on April 30, 2020, and harvested on August 31, 2020.
  • Drone Model: DJI Phantom 3.
  • Capture Details: Images were taken over 43 days at intervals of 2-3 days, during various times of the day.
  • Resolution: Each image has a resolution of 2250 x 4000 pixels.

Image Data Summary

  • Original Images: 6,465 high-resolution images.
  • Augmented Images: Original images were divided into 6 parts, creating 38,790 images at 1333 x 1125 pixels.
  • Dataset Classes: A total of 12,800 images distributed across 8 growth stages.
  • Final Resolution: Images were resized to 224 x 224 pixels for compatibility with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

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