Smartphone Preferences in India

Smartphone Preferences in India


Smartphone Preferences in India


Smartphone Preferences in India

Use Case

Smartphone Preferences in India


Explore the Indian Smartphone Market Dataset, featuring demographics, brand preferences (iPhone vs Android), pricing, purchase behavior, and usage trends.


This dataset provides detailed records of smartphone users in India, covering demographics, phone brand preferences (iPhone vs Android), pricing, purchasing behavior, and usage trends. It is ideal for market research, consumer trend analysis, and AI-driven insights.

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This dataset provides detailed insights into smartphone users in India, covering demographics, phone preferences, pricing, purchasing behavior, and usage trends. It is an invaluable resource for market research, consumer behavior analysis, and data-driven decision-making in the Indian smartphone industry.

Key Features

✔ Demographics – Age, Gender, City, and Income Level
✔ Smartphone Details – Brand (iPhone vs Android), Model, Storage, RAM, Battery, Dual SIM Support
✔ Pricing Insights – Fixed prices (INR) for iPhone and Android models
✔ Purchase Behavior – Payment method, Purchase platform (Online/Offline), Purchase month
✔ Usage Analysis – Screen time, Mobile data consumption, Most-used apps
✔ Customer Satisfaction – Ratings & key purchase reasons

Applications of This Dataset

🔹 Market Research & Consumer Insights – Understand buying trends & brand preferences
🔹 Business Intelligence & Competitive Analysis – Optimize pricing & marketing strategies
🔹 AI & Machine Learning Models – Train predictive models for consumer behavior forecasting
🔹 E-Commerce & Retail Analytics – Analyze purchase platforms & payment trends
🔹 App Engagement & Data Usage Analysis – Identify popular apps & mobile data trends

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