Sloths Versus Pain Au Chocolat

Sloths Versus Pain Au Chocolat


Sloths Versus Pain Au Chocolat


Sloths Versus Pain Au Chocolat

Use Case

Computer Vision


The folders are named and organized accordingly. Note that the images contained in the sloth, and pain_au_chocolat folders don't need to be named in any way.

Sloths Versus Pain Au Chocolat

About Dataset

Navigate to the data folder to see how the data is structured. Within the directory called “data/sloths_versus_pain_au_chocolat”, there are two folders called “train” and “val”. The dataset contains two labels: sloth, and pain_au_chocolat.
The folders are named and organized accordingly. Note that the images contained in the sloth, and pain_au_chocolat folders don’t need to be named in any way, as long as the folders themselves are labelled correctly.

This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

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