Numerical Images Dataset

Numerical Images Dataset


Numerical Images Dataset


Numerical Images

Use Case

Numerical Images


Explore our extensive numerical images dataset, combining MNIST and Chars74k sources. Perfect for training models in number recognition and classification.

Numerical Images Dataset


This dataset comprises numerical images extracted from both the MNIST and Chars74k datasets. It’s designed for training models that recognize and classify numbers.

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  • Images: Numerical images categorized hierarchically in folders.
  • Metadata CSV: Includes detailed information about each image.

CSV Metadata Fields

  • origin: Indicates the source dataset (MNIST or Chars74k).
  • group: Specifies the image category (e.g., Hnd for handwritten, Fnt for computer font, GoodImg for high-quality natural scenes, and BadImg for low-quality natural scenes).
  • file: The file path for each image.
  • label: The numerical value depicted in the image.

Additional Features

  • Extended Categories: Added new categories for numbers in various styles and contexts.
  • Augmented Data: Included augmented versions of the original images (e.g., rotated, scaled, and noise-added images) to enhance model robustness.
  • Annotations: Detailed annotations for each image, providing additional context like brightness, contrast, and image dimensions.
  • Multi-language Labels: Labels provided in multiple languages for international model training applications.

This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

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