Land-Use Scene Classification
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Land-Use Scene Classification
Land-Use Scene Classification
Land-Use Scene Classification
Use Case
Computer Vision
The main aim of this project is the masking of regions where land is being used in satellite images obtained through Landsat which have a low spatial resolution.

About Dataset
The main aim of this project is the masking of regions where land is being used in satellite images obtained through Landsat which have a low spatial resolution.
This dataset contains satellite images of 21 classes such as buildings, baseball fields, freeways, etc. The original size of the images is 256×256 pixels. Originally there were 100 images per class. After augmenting each image 4 times the size of each class was brought up to 500 images. This allows for making a more robust model.
This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.
Credits –
- Dataset: Yi Yang and Shawn Newsam, “Bag-Of-Visual-Words and Spatial Extensions for Land-Use Classification,” ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS), 2010.
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