Freshwater Fish Disease Aquaculture In South Asia

Freshwater Fish Disease Aquaculture In South Asia


Freshwater Fish Disease Aquaculture In South Asia


Freshwater Fish Disease Aquaculture In South Asia

Use Case

computer vision


This is the most common disease in freshwater aquaculture. This is a custom dataset. Data collected from various websites and some images from various Institutes of Freshwater Aquaculture in South Asia.

Freshwater Fish Disease Aquaculture In South Asia

About Dataset

Context :

General Introduction
The data was created to build a deep learning based fish skin-image to disease identification model. Which can help aquaculture . In the dataset there are total** 7** class

  1. Bacterial diseases – Aeromoniasis .There are total 250 image .
  2. Bacterial gill disease . total number of image 250
  3. Bacterial Red disease . total number of image 250
  4. Fungal diseases . Saprolegniasis total number of image 250
  5. Healthy Fish . total number of image 250
  6. Parasitic diseases . total number of image 250
  7. Viral diseases White tail disease . total number of image 250

Data collection
This is the most common disease in freshwater aquaculture. This is a custom dataset. Data collected from various websites and some images from various Institutes of Freshwater Aquaculture in South Asia.

The CSV data was created on the based on image data . you can find the codes below :

you can build a machine learning model that can prediction fish disease

This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

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