Flood Area Segmentation

Flood Area Segmentation


Flood Area Segmentation


Flood Area Segmentation

Use Case

Flood Mapping


Flood area segmentation is a computer vision and image processing technique used to identify and delineate regions affected by flooding in satellite images, aerial photographs, or other types of remotely sensed imagery.

About Dataset

In the fast-moving world of AI, data is king. At Globose Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd., we understand this well, and we’ve been actively involved in collecting data specifically for AI purposes. Recently, our team took on an interesting project – identifying flood-prone areas, a significant concern in today’s climate-focused world.

Flood Area Segmentation

Floods have become a major problem worldwide, causing extensive damage to people’s lives and infrastructure. Precisely identifying and predicting flood-prone areas is a crucial step toward taking early action and managing them effectively.

Our Approach:

Drawing on our expertise in data labeling, we’re enhancing and improving models designed to identify flood-prone areas. Through meticulous tagging of large amounts of data, we’re enhancing the accuracy and precision of AI systems aimed at detecting and mapping potential flood zones.

Why Data Annotation?

In AI and machine learning, raw data alone often isn’t enough for effective training. Data annotation gives structure and clarity to this raw data, making it understandable and usable by AI systems. This improves their ability to predict floods more accurately and quickly in flood area segmentation, leading to better flood predictions overall.

Flood Area Segmentation

Key Takeaways:

Examining how the quality of data impacts AI models highlights the importance of having well-organized and labeled data. By meticulously annotating training data, we can develop AI systems that are more effective in predicting and handling flood risks.


As we, at Globose Technology Solutions Private Limited, keep moving forward in AI data collection and analysis, our dedication to addressing global issues such as flood management remains unwavering. While larger companies can invest in flashy advertisements, small businesses and startups must be strategic in how they allocate their marketing budget to make the most of every dollar/rupee spent.

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