Finger Digits 0-5 Dataset

Finger Digits 0-5 Dataset


Finger Digits 0-5 Dataset


Finger Digits 0-5 Dataset

Use Case

Finger Digits Dataset


Discover our Finger Digits 0-5 Dataset with 12,000 images designed for robust real-time digit classification.

Finger Digits 0-5 Dataset


This dataset was created for a Python course project to develop a real-time digit classifier using TensorFlow and OpenCV.

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  • 12,000 images of a hand holding up 0-5 fingers.
  • Images are 128×128 pixels, thresholded to isolate the hand from the background.
  • Most hands are held straight up, lacking sideways and upside-down positions.


  • OpenCV library was extensively used.


  • Created due to difficulties with existing datasets in noisy environments and imperfect lighting.

Improvements for New Dataset:

  1. Include Diverse Hand Orientations:
    • Capture images with hands held sideways, upside down, and at various angles.
  2. Varied Backgrounds and Lighting:
    • Include images with different backgrounds and lighting conditions to increase robustness.
  3. Augmentation Techniques:
    • Use rotation, scaling, and flipping to artificially increase dataset diversity.
  4. Multiple Skin Tones and Hand Sizes:
    • Ensure diversity in hand types for better generalization.
  5. Annotate with Metadata:
    • Include additional annotations like hand orientation and lighting conditions for better training.

This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

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