Fauna of Gir National Park

Fauna of Gir National Park


Fauna of Gir National Park


Fauna of Gir National Park

Use Case

Fauna of Gir National Park


Explore our comprehensive dataset featuring 1900-2000 images of 17 animal species from Gir National Park, Gujarat, India. Ideal for training convolutional neural networks (CNNs), this curated collection includes Asiatic Lions, Wild Boars, and more, providing a robust resource for wildlife recognition and conservation efforts.

Fauna of Gir National Park


This dataset features a rich collection of images showcasing the diverse fauna found in Gir National Park, Gujarat, India. It includes approximately 1900-2000 images, capturing 17 different animal species ranging from the majestic Asiatic Lions to the resilient Wild Boars. Each image in this dataset is meticulously curated to ensure high quality and relevance, making it an excellent resource for training convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The variety of species and the substantial number of images provide a robust foundation for developing and testing machine learning models focused on wildlife recognition and conservation efforts.
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Designed for researchers and developers, this dataset offers an invaluable tool to advance AI capabilities in ecological and wildlife studies. The comprehensive nature of the dataset ensures that models trained on it can effectively identify and classify various animal species in Gir National Park. This, in turn, can aid in conservation efforts, habitat management, and ecological research. By leveraging this dataset, developers can contribute to the preservation of wildlife and the promotion of biodiversity in one of India’s most renowned national parks.

This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

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