Equiarea Shape from Template Deformations Dataset

Equiarea Shape from Template Deformations Dataset


Equiarea Shape from Template Deformations Dataset


Equiarea Shape from Template Deformations Dataset

Use Case

Equiarea Shape from Template Deformations Dataset


Explore the Equiareal Shape from Template Deformations Dataset, a high-quality RGB-D dataset captured with Kinect V2 for 3D deformable shape reconstruction and computer vision research.

3D vision dataset


A high-quality RGB-D dataset captured using Kinect V2, designed for 3D deformable shape reconstruction and computer vision research. Organized by experiments, it includes RGB images, depth data, and MATLAB files with tracking and ground truth annotations.

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The Equiareal Shape from Template Deformations Dataset is a comprehensive collection of RGB-D real videos captured using Kinect V2, specifically designed for 3D deformable shape reconstruction and computer vision research. Developed through a collaboration between the University of Alcalá, University of Clermont-Auvergne, and EnCoV, this dataset provides structured experimental data supporting studies in deformation tracking, template-based reconstruction, and 3D vision.

Dataset Structure 📂

  • Organized by Experiments – Each folder corresponds to a specific experiment analyzed in the Equiareal Shape from Template research paper.
  • Files Included:
    ✅ RGB Images – High-quality image sequences for visual analysis.
    ✅ Depth Data – Captured using Kinect V2 for 3D reconstruction.
    ✅ MATLAB Files – Includes tracking data and ground truth annotations.

Applications 🎯

✅ 3D Deformable Shape Reconstruction 📐
✅ Computer Vision & AI-Based Tracking 🤖
✅ Template-Based Deformation Analysis 📊
✅ Machine Learning & Deep Learning Research 🧠

This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

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