Computer Vision for the Humanities

Computer Vision for the Humanities


Computer Vision for the Humanities


Computer Vision for the Humanities

Use Case

Computer Vision


Dive into the world of historical research through AI with the Newspaper Navigator Dataset. This unique collection, sourced from the Library.

Computer Vision for the Humanities


The Newspaper Navigator Dataset comprises an extensive collection of images sourced from the Chronicling America project by the Library of Congress. This dataset is designed to facilitate the exploration and application of computer vision techniques within the humanities.


This dataset primarily supports an educational series by Programming Historian on applying computer vision technologies in historical research. The lessons aim to equip researchers with the skills necessary to analyze and interpret historical imagery using modern computational methods.


The images in this dataset represent a rich tapestry of historical information, providing unique insights into the cultural and social life of the past as captured in newspapers. Each image has been carefully extracted and curated to serve as an effective training and testing resource for computer vision models, particularly those focused on historical data.

Access and Use:

The dataset is openly shared to encourage academic and educational use, allowing scholars, educators, and technologists to engage deeply with historical media through the lens of contemporary technology.

This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

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