Butterfly & Moths Image Classification 100 species
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Butterfly & Moths Image Classification 100 species
Butterfly & Moths Image Classification 100 species
Butterfly & Moths Image Classification 100 species
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Butterfly & Moths Image Classification 100 species
Explore the Butterfly & Moths Image Classification Dataset, featuring 100 species with 12,594 training images, 500 test images, and 500 validation images. Each image is 224x224 pixels in jpg format
![100 Species Butterfly dataset](https://d307bj69336vgo.cloudfront.net/wp-content/w3-webp/uploads/2024/07/FaceForensics-Dataset-22.pngw3.webp)
This dataset has been meticulously updated to correct issues identified in the previous version, ensuring higher quality for research and model training. It is designed for the classification of 100 butterfly and moth species and is organized into training, testing, and validation sets. The training set contains 12,594 images, the test set includes 500 images, and the validation set also comprises 500 images. Each image is in jpg format with dimensions of 224×224 pixels, and all images are categorized into 100 subdirectories, each representing a unique species.
Download Dataset
A comprehensive CSV file accompanies the dataset, containing 4 columns and 13,595 rows. This file includes the class ID, filepaths, labels, and dataset type (train, test, or validation) for each image. The organized structure and detailed labeling make this dataset an invaluable resource for developing machine learning models for species classification, contributing significantly to the fields of entomology and computer vision. Researchers and practitioners can utilize this dataset to enhance the study and conservation of butterflies and moths through advanced image classification techniques.
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