Building Detection from Satellite Imagery

Building Detection from Satellite Imagery


Satellite Imagery


Satellite Imagery

Use Case

Computer Vision


Explore GTS's Satellite Detection Dataset designed for training and testing AI models. Get high-quality RGB satellite images.

Building Detection from Satellite Imagery

This lightweight dataset is specifically designed for testing building detection models using satellite images. It provides both input and output data essential for training and evaluating the performance of these models. The dataset includes high-resolution satellite images as input data and corresponding labeled masks as output data, indicating the precise locations and boundaries of buildings. Researchers and developers can use this dataset to develop and fine-tune machine learning algorithms for building detection, improving accuracy and efficiency. The dataset’s compact size ensures quick download and easy handling, making it ideal for rapid experimentation and prototyping in various applications, such as urban planning, disaster management, and environmental monitoring.

Additionally, this dataset supports diverse geographic regions and different types of urban environments, enhancing the robustness of the models developed using it. The variety of building structures and layouts included in the dataset enables comprehensive testing and validation of algorithms under different conditions. Its versatility allows for adaptations in related fields, such as infrastructure development, smart city initiatives, and automated mapping systems. By leveraging this dataset, users can achieve significant advancements in the detection and analysis of buildings from satellite imagery, contributing to more effective solutions in real-world scenarios.

Dataset Details:

Inputs: RGB satellite images capturing diverse geographic regions.
Outputs: Binary images with pixel values:
0: Non-building areas
1: Building areas


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