Blur Dataset
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Blur Dataset
Blur Dataset
Blur Dataset
Use Case
Computer Vision
The dataset was created to validate the blur detection algorithm. The dataset can also be used for testing image deblurring.

About Dataset
This dataset contains 1050 blurred and sharp images (350 triplets), each image triplet is a set of three photos of the same scene: sharp, defocused-blurred and motion-blurred images.
The dataset was created to validate the blur detection algorithm. The dataset can also be used for testing image deblurring, hovewer, the triplets are not “pixel-to-pixel” images, so, one cannot compare blurred and sharp images on the basis of PSNR or SSIM but sharp images can be used for visual comparison.
Dataset structure
The dataset contains three folders: sharp, defocused-blurred and motion-blurred images.
The filename structure is as follows: id_device_type.extension where
ID – a number from 0 to349;
device – the image capture device;
type – one of [S, F, M]. S stands for Sharp image, F – deFocused-blurred image and M – Motion-blurred image.
The dataset contains 66 devices, these are typically smartphones, but several cameras are also provided.
The dataset on Kaggle was scaled to 2048 pixels by the widest side, you can download full images from Google drive:
The github page of the dataset:
How to cite
Here, at kaggle page
Thanks to my friends, colleagues and yandex.toloka who helps to collect this dataset.
This dataset is sourced from Kaggle.
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