50 Types of Car Parts -Image Classification

50 Types of Car Parts -Image Classification


50 Types of Car Parts -Image Classification


50 Types of Car Parts -Image Classification

Use Case

50 Types of Car Parts -Image Classification


Explore a comprehensive dataset of 50 types of car parts, featuring original images in 224x224x3 jpg format.

50 Types of Car Parts -Image Classification


This dataset comprises images of 50 different types of car parts, organized into a train set, a test set, and a validation set. Each image is labeled according to its respective car part class, totaling 50 distinct classes. The train set is not balanced, with the number of images per class varying significantly; for example, the Ignition Coil class has the most training images at 200, while the Leaf Spring class has the fewest at 110. The validation and test sets are more uniform, each containing 5 images for every class. All images are provided in 224 x 224 x 3 dimensions in jpg format, ensuring consistency in size and quality across the dataset.

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Notably, this dataset consists solely of original images, with no augmented images included. This feature ensures that models trained on this dataset will be evaluated on genuine, real-world data, providing a robust foundation for developing and testing image classification algorithms. The dataset’s structure and diversity make it an excellent resource for training deep learning models in automotive part identification, offering a range of complexities and variations to challenge and improve model performance.

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