Telugu Text Files

Project Overview:


Our mission was to create a comprehensive and meticulously annotated dataset of Telugu text files. This dataset aims to significantly enhance the capabilities of natural language processing (NLP) models, particularly in understanding and processing the Telugu language. This advancement is pivotal for various AI-driven applications.


This project focused on gathering and annotating a vast collection of Telugu text files. These files spanned a wide range of genres, including literature, technical documents, and everyday communication, thus providing a diverse linguistic landscape for our NLP models.

Telugu Text Files
Telugu Text Files
Telugu Text Files
Telugu Text Files


  • Literary Works: Collected over 50,000 pages from classic and contemporary Telugu literature.
  • Technical and Academic Resources: Amassed 30,000 pages of technical documents and academic papers.
  • Public and Online Forums: Integrated 20,000 pages of content from public domains and online platforms, ensuring a blend of formal and colloquial language.
case study-post
Telugu Text Files
Telugu Text Files

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Images Collected: 200,000
  • Direct Field Collection: 120,000
  • Transportation Authority Partnerships: 50,000
  • Archives (Public and Private): 30,000

Annotation Process


  1. Linguistic Categorization: Each text was meticulously categorized based on language style, genre, and complexity. Additionally, texts were organized to ensure clarity and ease of understanding.
  2. Semantic Tagging: To better understand the context, texts were tagged for semantics. This included identifying idioms, colloquialisms, and technical jargon, all of which are crucial for accurate interpretation.
  3. Syntax and Grammar Annotations: We added detailed annotations to highlight syntax and grammatical structures. This step is vital for NLP training and ensures that the texts are properly formatted for computational processing.

Annotation Metrics

  • Pages Annotated: 100,000
  • Semantic Tags Applied: 100,000
  • Syntax and Grammar Annotations: 100,000
Telugu Text Files
Telugu Text Files
Telugu Text Files
Telugu Text Files

Quality Assurance


Model Evaluation: We regularly conducted assessments to ensure the dataset effectively trained models. As a result, these evaluations identified areas for improvement, allowing for ongoing optimization.
Privacy and Ethical Compliance: We ensured that all texts were ethically sourced and complied with copyright and privacy laws. Consequently, this approach protected user privacy and maintained the integrity of the dataset.
Feedback Integration: We continually incorporated feedback from linguists and language model developers. Thus, this process refined the dataset, leading to higher quality and relevance.

QA Metrics

  • Model Accuracy on Test Data: 98.8%
  • Recognition Speed: 30 ms per image
  • False Positive Rate: 0.4%


The Telugu Text Files project has set a new standard in the field of NLP. It is more than just a dataset; it serves as a bridge that connects the rich linguistic heritage of Telugu with the future of AI-driven language understanding. Consequently, our dataset has enabled AI models to process and understand Telugu with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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