UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription

Project Overview:


As a leading data collection and annotation firm, we have successfully compiled a comprehensive dataset of OCR images paired with precise transcriptions in UK English. Moreover, this dataset is essential for training and enhancing OCR and text recognition algorithms, enabling them to accurately interpret scanned or handwritten text into digital data.


We have gathered a vast and varied collection of images featuring UK-English text. Additionally, we have carefully transcribed these texts into a digital format. Our primary focus is on delivering superior-quality image-text pairs, which are essential for effective OCR model training.

UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription


  • Image Collections: Obtain a variety of image sources containing UK-English text, including scanned documents, handwritten notes, books, historical documents, and public domain text.
  • Crowdsourcing: Employ crowdsourcing platforms to collect handwritten text samples and transcriptions.
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UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total OCR Images Collected: 75,000 images
  • Handwritten Samples Collected: 15,000 samples
  • Digital Transcriptions Produced: 75,000 transcriptions

Annotation Process


We meticulously curated images with UK-English text in various fonts, styles, and handwriting, including both print and cursive. Initially, our team used state-of-the-art OCR technology for text extraction. Subsequently, we conducted a thorough review and made corrections to ensure precise transcriptions. Furthermore, we gathered handwritten samples through crowdsourcing to represent a wide range of handwriting styles. The transcription validation phase was crucial, involving a systematic manual review to confirm the quality of our transcriptions.

Annotation Metrics

  • OCR Images with Transcriptions: 50,000 pairs
  • Handwritten Samples: 10,000 samples
  • Transcription Validation Cases: 5,000 (randomly selected for validation)
UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription
UK-English OCR Images Data – Images with Transcription

Quality Assurance


Our quality assurance framework is robust, involving thorough transcription checks by human reviewers. Additionally, we strictly comply with privacy rules to ensure the safe handling of sensitive documents. Moreover, we follow strict data security protocols to protect any personal or sensitive information.

QA Metrics

  • Transcription Validation Accuracy: Ensure a high level of accuracy (e.g., 99%+) in transcription validation.
  • Privacy Audits: Ongoing to ensure compliance


Our carefully curated dataset is an essential resource for OCR and text recognition research and development. It includes a wide variety of images with accurate transcriptions. Moreover, all data complies strictly with privacy and security regulations. Therefore, this dataset provides a solid foundation for advancing OCR technology specifically for UK-English text.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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