Static Facial Expression In The Wild

Project Overview


Our goal is to create a big dataset of natural facial expressions, specifically focusing on Static Facial Expression In The Wild, to help AI emotion recognition technology work more accurately and quickly.


This project involves gathering and labeling facial expressions from different real-life situations to capture the complexity of human emotions.

Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Facial Expression Recognition Dataset


  • Surveillance Footage: Using CCTV and public cameras to catch spontaneous facial expressions.
  • Voluntary Submissions: People share their expressions through a secure platform, showing different emotions in different situations.
  • Partnered Public Events: We collaborate with events where people agree to have their expressions recorded.
case study-post
Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Facial Expression Recognition Dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Images Captured: 50,000
  • Surveillance Footage: 30,000
  • Voluntary Submissions: 15,000
  • Partnered Public Events: 5,000

Annotation Process


  1. Finding Faces: Recognizing and labeling faces in each picture.
  2. Sorting Expressions: Putting expressions into groups like happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, and more.
  3. Measuring Intensity: Rating how strong each expression is to make the dataset more detailed.

Annotation Metrics

  • Images with Pest and Disease Annotations: 15,000
  • Metadata Logging: 15,000
Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Facial Expression Recognition Dataset

Quality Assurance


Annotation Review: Our team of experts carefully checks facial expressions to make sure they’re accurate.
Data Cleanup: We regularly clean up the dataset by removing unclear or poorly captured images.
Privacy Protection: We follow strict rules to keep your data safe and private.

QA Metrics

  • Reviewed Annotations: 5,000 (10% of total)

  • Data Cleansing Initiatives

  • Continuous improvement and validation.


In summary, the “Static Facial Expression in the Wild” dataset is a game-changer for improving AI’s grasp of human emotions in everyday situations. With its thorough annotations and detailed data, it paves the way for more accurate and sophisticated emotion recognition systems.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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