Main Objects Segmentation Dataset

Project Overview:


The “Main Objects Segmentation Dataset” project aims to curate a comprehensive dataset for training machine learning models in computer vision. This dataset is carefully designed to enhance the accurate segmentation of main objects within images. This task is crucial in various applications, including autonomous driving, object detection, and image recognition.


Our project involves collecting a large number of images from various sources. Afterward, we carefully annotate these images to identify and outline the main objects they contain. As a result, this annotated dataset will be a valuable resource for researchers and developers working on object segmentation algorithms and applications.

Main Objects Segmentation Dataset
Main Objects Segmentation Dataset
Main Objects Segmentation Dataset
Main Objects Segmentation Dataset


  • Web Scraping: We leverage web scraping techniques to collect images from many websites, ensuring a variety of object types and scenarios.

  • Publicly Available Datasets: We access publicly available image datasets, which provide a solid foundation for our dataset and enrich it with additional content.

  • User Contributions: We actively encourage contributions from individuals who share images to further enhance the variety of our dataset.

case study-post
Main Objects Segmentation Dataset
Main Objects Segmentation Dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Images Collected: 50,000 images
  • Web Scraping: 30,000 images
  • Public Datasets: 10,000 images
  • User Contributions: 10,000 images

Annotation Process


  1. Object Segmentation: Every image in our dataset is carefully annotated to highlight the main objects it contains. This process includes outlining the objects with accurate boundaries. Therefore, each object is clearly and precisely identified.
  2. Metadata Enhancement: We add detailed metadata to the dataset, such as object categories, image sources, and annotation dates. Consequently, the dataset becomes richer and more useful.

Annotation Metrics

  • Images with Object Segmentation Labels: 50,000
  • Enriched Metadata: 50,000
Main Objects Segmentation Dataset
Main Objects Segmentation Dataset
Main Objects Segmentation Dataset
Main Objects Segmentation Dataset

Quality Assurance


Annotation Verification: To ensure accuracy, our team follows a strict validation process. This process involves domain experts who carefully review and verify the correctness of object segmentation labels.
Data Quality Control: Additionally, we have put in place rigorous quality control measures. These measures help us remove low-quality or noisy images from our dataset. As a result, we maintain a collection of high-quality, relevant content.
Data Security: Furthermore, we prioritize the security and privacy of image data. We adhere to all relevant regulations and always obtain user consent for any contributed images when necessary.

QA Metrics

  • Annotation Validation Cases: 5,000
  • Data Cleansing: Removal of low-quality or irrelevant images


The “Main Objects Segmentation Dataset” is a valuable resource for the machine learning community. With a large collection of accurately annotated images and detailed metadata, this dataset helps in developing advanced object segmentation models. Furthermore, it is useful in various fields, such as autonomous vehicles and image recognition systems. Consequently, it plays a significant role in advancing computer vision technology. Moreover, our commitment to data quality and security ensures that this dataset is a dependable resource for researchers and developers.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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