Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset

Project Overview:


Our goal was to curate a dedicated dataset for segmenting machine parts in images, a critical step in advancing computer vision capabilities in manufacturing, quality control, and maintenance.


We successfully established an extensive repository of images featuring a variety of machine parts. Each image in this collection has been meticulously annotated to highlight individual components and structures.

Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset
Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset
Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset
Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset


  • Collaborations with Manufacturing Facilities: We partnered with various industrial manufacturing plants to gather images of machines and components in diverse manufacturing environments.
  • Technical Manual Extractions: We sourced detailed illustrations of machine parts from various technical manuals.
  • Public Contributions: We set up a platform inviting individuals to submit images from their personal devices, thus enriching our dataset with a wide range of machine types and conditions.
case study-post
Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset
Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Images for Pest Detection: 15,000 images
  • Field Surveys: 8,000
  • Research Institutions: 5,000
  • Agricultural Databases: 2,000

Annotation Process


  1. Part Segmentation: Defining boundaries within each image to segment individual machine parts.
  2. Machine Type Tagging: Assigning labels to each image based on the machine type, such as lathes, CNC mills, and conveyors.
  3. Maintenance Condition: Categorizing images by the condition of the machines or parts, like new, worn, or damaged.

Annotation Metrics

  • Images with Part Segmentations: 200,000
  • Machine Type Tags: 200,000
  • Maintenance Condition Labels: 180,000
Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset
Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset
Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset
Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset

Quality Assurance


Segmentation Accuracy Checks: Utilizing both computer vision algorithms and human review for validating part segmentation accuracy.
Metadata Validation: Expert review from professionals in machine maintenance and industrial engineering to confirm machine type and condition tags.
Privacy Protections: We took special care to ensure public submissions did not include sensitive information. A process was established for contributors to request image alterations or removals.

QA Metrics

  • Segmentation Validation Cases: 20,000
  • Metadata Authentication Reviews: 30,000
  • Privacy Audits: 40,000


Our Machine Parts Segmentation Dataset Initiative has significantly contributed to the field of computer vision in the industrial sector. Through our diverse and accurately annotated image repository, we provide a valuable resource for enhancing machine diagnostics, quality control, and predictive maintenance strategies.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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