Korean Text Files

Project Overview:


The “Korean Text Files” initiative aims to develop a comprehensive dataset for training advanced natural language processing (NLP) models. This dataset focuses on the Korean language, aiming to improve text recognition, translation, and sentiment analysis in various applications.


This project encompasses the collection and annotation of Korean text files from diverse sources, ensuring a rich dataset that covers multiple genres and styles. The text files range from literary works, news articles, social media posts, to technical manuals.

Korean Text Files
Korean Text Files
Korean Text Files
Korean Text Files


  • Literary Works: Collection of classical and modern Korean literature.
  • News Articles: Gathering of contemporary news pieces from various Korean news outlets.
  • Social Media Posts: Compilation of user-generated content from Korean social media platforms.
  • Technical Manuals: Inclusion of technical and instructional texts in Korean.
case study-post
Korean Text Files
Korean Text Files

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Text Files Collected: 25,000
  • Literary Works: 5,000
  • News Articles: 7,000
  • Social Media Posts: 8,000
  • Technical Manuals:5,000

Annotation Process


  1. Text Categorization: Classify each text file according to its genre (literature, news, social media, technical).
  2. Sentiment Analysis: Annotate texts with sentiment labels (positive, negative, neutral).
  3. Translation Tags: Mark texts that are suitable for translation exercises.

Annotation Metrics

  • Text Files with Categorization Labels: 25,000
  • Sentiment Analysis Annotations: 20,000
  • Translation-Ready Texts: 10,000
Korean Text Files
Korean Text Files
Korean Text Files
Korean Text Files

Quality Assurance


  • Annotation Accuracy: Implement a rigorous review process to ensure the precision of categorization and sentiment labels.
  • Data Variety: Maintain a diverse range of texts to enhance the dataset’s applicability.
  • Data Security: Uphold strict confidentiality and privacy standards, especially for user-generated content.

QA Metrics

  • Annotation Review Cases: 3,000
  • Diversity Assurance: Ensuring representation across all categories


The “Korean Text Files” dataset is an invaluable asset for advancing NLP technologies in the Korean language. With a wide range of accurately annotated texts, this dataset serves as a foundation for developing sophisticated text processing models. It not only supports language understanding and translation efforts but also opens avenues for cultural and linguistic studies, furthering the reach of Korean language technology in various fields.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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