Phone Conversations in Japanese

Project Overview:


The “Phone Conversations in Japanese” project was launched with the aim of developing a comprehensive dataset to train automatic speech recognition (ASR) models. Consequently, these models are specifically designed to understand and transcribe Japanese spoken in natural, conversational settings, such as phone calls. Furthermore, this dataset benefits businesses and individuals relying on accurate voice-to-text conversion in Japanese, thereby enhancing communication and documentation processes.


Our project encompassed the gathering and annotation of authentic Japanese phone conversations. These conversations covered a diverse range of topics and included various dialects and speech patterns native to Japan. The goal was to capture the essence of casual and formal conversations as they naturally occur in daily life.

Phone Conversations in Japanese
Phone Conversations in Japanese
Phone Conversations in Japanese
Phone Conversations in Japanese


  • Phone Conversations: Additionally, we compiled a vast array of Japanese phone conversations, ensuring a mix of formal and informal dialogues.
  • In-House Annotation Team: Moreover, our skilled linguists and native Japanese speakers annotated the conversations, providing accurate transcriptions and contextual notes.
case study-post
Phone Conversations in Japanese
Phone Conversations in Japanese

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Phone Conversations Collected: 8,000
  • Conversations Collected from Various Regions in Japan: 6,500
  • Conversations Sourced from Business Contexts: 1,500

Annotation Process


  1. Conversation Transcription: Each conversation was meticulously transcribed. Additionally, nuances of spoken Japanese, including colloquialisms and regional dialects, were preserved.
  2. Contextual Annotation: In addition to the transcriptions, we provided contextual annotations. These annotations included conversational tone, speaker emotion, and background noises, if any.

Annotation Metrics

  • Conversations with Detailed Transcriptions: 8,000
  • Conversations with Contextual Annotations: 8,000
Phone Conversations in Japanese
Phone Conversations in Japanese
Phone Conversations in Japanese
Phone Conversations in Japanese

Quality Assurance


Transcription Review: Additionally, our team of experts conducted thorough reviews of the transcriptions to ensure their accuracy and authenticity.
Data Quality Management: Moreover, we meticulously filtered out any data that did not meet our stringent quality standards.

QA Metrics

  • Reviewed Transcription Cases: 800 (10% of total)
  • Additionally, Data Cleansing Instances include the systematic removal of any data with notable errors or inaccuracies.


The “Phone Conversations dataset stands as a testament to our commitment to providing high-quality, diverse datasets for the development of sophisticated ASR models. Moreover, this dataset not only aids in creating more efficient and accurate voice recognition software for Japanese but also paves the way for innovations in automated translation and transcription services. Additionally, it serves as a critical resource for enhancing communication and transcription accuracy in various sectors including customer service, transcription services, and automated translation tools.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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