Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset

Project Overview:


Our goal was to develop a dataset that sets new benchmarks in high precision segmentation of the human body. This invaluable resource is now empowering advancements in medical imaging, high-end visual effects, augmented reality, and advanced body tracking systems.


Gather an exhaustive range of human body images showcasing varied poses, clothing types, body shapes, and sizes. Annotations will pinpoint even the subtlest features of the body.

Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset
Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset
Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset
Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset


  • Studio captures with high-resolution cameras, employing neutral backgrounds.
  • Additionally Outdoor and indoor candid shots representing different activities.
  • Furthermore Medical imaging (where available and ethical).
  • Moreover User-contributed images to capture diversity.
  • Lastly Sports and fitness imagery to represent varied body poses and movements.
case study-post
Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset
Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Data Points: 400,000 images
  • Studio Captures: 150,000
  • Candid Shots: 100,000
  • Medical Imaging: 30,000
  • User-contributed Images: 90,000
  • Sports and Fitness: 30,000

Annotation Process


  1. Raw Data Refinement: To initiate the process, we meticulously sifted through the raw data, systematically eliminating any images that fell short of our stringent standards, whether due to blurriness or incomplete shots.
  2. Primary Body Segmentation: Following this initial refinement, our expert team proceeded to segment the main body regions across all 400,000 images, including the torso, arms, legs, and head.
  3. High Precision Annotation: Subsequently, we delved deeper into the data, meticulously annotating finer details such as fingers, toes, facial features, and distinct body marks, resulting in a total of 2,400,000 detailed segments.
  4. Quality Assurance: Finally, we conducted an exhaustive quality assurance process, meticulously reviewing the fidelity of annotations across 80,000 images, which constituted 20% of the total dataset.

Annotation Metrics

  • Total Primary Segmentations: 400,000
  • High Precision Annotations: 2,400,000 (6 detailed segments per image on average)
  • Annotations Reviewed: 80,000 (20% of total segmentations for quality assurance)
Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset
Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset
Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset
Human Body High Precision Segmentation Dataset

Quality Assurance


Expert Validation: Furthermore, our annotations were rigorously vetted by anatomists and visual effects professionals.
In addition Automated Checks: Advanced software solutions were deployed to catch any inconsistencies or errors.
Moreover Collaborative Consistency: Multiple annotators worked on overlapping sets to guarantee uniformity.

QA Metrics

  • Annotations Vetted by Experts: 80,000 (20% of total annotations)
  • Inconsistencies Identified and Rectified: 8,000 (2% of total annotations)


Our journey in creating this dataset exemplifies our expertise and commitment to excellence in data collection and annotation. Furthermore, we are thrilled to offer this dataset as part of our broader suite of solutions. Additionally, we are eager to see the transformative impact it will have across various industries.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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