Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset

Project Overview:


We wanted to make the Extended Cohn-Kanade dataset better by adding more types of facial expressions and higher-quality videos. This enhancement would help train machine learning models to recognize human emotions more accurately.


We added new video clips to the dataset showing different facial expressions from various groups of people.

Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset
Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset
Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset
Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset


  • We used the original CK+ dataset, recorded extra videos from over 150 people, and included other publicly available datasets to increase the variety of emotions.
case study-post
Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset
Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • New Sequences Recorded: 720
  • Subjects Involved: 150
  • Total Frames Processed: 25,000

Annotation Process


We carefully labeled each frame of the videos with specific emotions, improved how we identified facial features, and noted when emotions started and peaked.

Annotation Metrics

  • Frames Annotated: 25,000
  • Emotional States Identified: 32,000
  • Facial Landmarks Annotated: 22,000
Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset
Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset
Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset
Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset

Quality Assurance


Annotation Check: Our team of experts reviews the annotations to make sure they’re accurate.
Data Cleanup: We remove any recordings that aren’t useful or aren’t good quality to keep the dataset reliable.
Data Privacy: We make sure we follow the rules about keeping data safe and private.

QA Metrics

  • Facial Expression Recognition Accuracy: 97%
  • Consistency in Annotation: 99%
  • Data Privacy Compliance: 100%


Improving the CK+ dataset has made it much better for training AI systems. This helps researchers and developers who are working on recognizing facial expressions. Our work has widened the dataset’s uses and set a higher standard for the quality of data used in training emotion recognition models.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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Extended Cohn-Kanade Dataset
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