Conversational Context Understanding for LLM-based Chatbots

Project Overview:


The goal was to develop a dataset that would train and evaluate LLMs in understanding and retaining conversational context over long interactions, thereby enhancing the naturalness and engagement of chatbot responses.


The dataset includes synthetic multi-turn conversations across a range of scenarios, such as customer support, casual chatting, and information retrieval. Each conversation is annotate to highlight key context points and conversational shifts, aiding the LLM in maintaining context.

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  • Synthetic Data Generation: The data was generated through 50,000 synthetic conversations, crafted by conversational AI experts to simulate real-world interactions.
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Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Conversations Generate: 50,000 synthetic multi-turn conversations.
  • Context Points Identify: 150,000 context points were identify and annotate (averaging 3 per conversation).

Annotation Process


  1. Contextual Analysis: Annotators with expertise in linguistics and conversational AI analyze each conversation to identify key context points, conversational shifts, and relevance.
  2. Context Retention: The annotations were design to help the LLM understand and retain context, ensuring more coherent and contextually appropriate responses.

Annotation Metrics

  • Team Involvement: A team of 40 annotators, specializing in linguistics and conversational AI, work over a period of 3 months to complete the project.
  • Total Annotations: 150,000 annotations were made, focusing on context points and conversational flow.
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Quality Assurance


  • Annotation Accuracy: Rigorous checks were perform to ensure that context points were accurately identify and annotate, and that conversational shifts were clearly marked.
  • Consistency Reviews: Regular reviews were conduct to maintain consistency across all annotated conversations.

QA Metrics

  • Context Retention Accuracy: The dataset achieved high accuracy in correctly identifying and maintaining context across extend conversations.
  • Conversational Flow Accuracy: Annotations accurately reflect the conversational flow, enhancing the LLM’s ability to provide natural and engaging responses.


The development of this conversational context dataset significantly improve the ability of LLM-based chatbots to handle extend dialogues. As a result, the chatbots now offer more coherent and contextually relevant interactions, enhancing user experience across various applications.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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