Autonomous Vehicle Driving Dataset

Project Overview:


Autonomous Vehicle Driving Dataset: The aim is to create a dataset that makes self-driving systems more accurate and efficient by using different types of real driving data.


The dataset contains various driving situations, environmental conditions, and how vehicles interact to simulate real-life driving accurately.

Autonomous Vehicle Driving Dataset
Autonomous Vehicle Driving Dataset
Autonomous Vehicle Driving Dataset
Vehicle Recognition for Toll Collection


  • Real Driving Sessions: We gathered information from real driving experiences, including different types of weather and various city and countryside locations.
  • Simulated Environments: Using simulations, we obtained data on uncommon but important driving situations necessary for thorough testing of autonomous driving systems.
case study-post
Autonomous Vehicle Driving Dataset
Autonomous Vehicle Driving Dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Data Collected: 100,000 pictures and videos.
  • Data Annotated for ML Training: 120,000 pictures and videos with detailed labels added for machine learning use.

Annotation Process


  1. Behavioral States: We labeled different actions like changing lanes, stopping, and how fast the vehicle accelerates.
  2. Object Tracking: We carefully marked every moving and still object in the scene, like other vehicles, people walking, and traffic signals.
  3. Scene Segmentation: We divided the scene into parts like roads, lanes, footpaths, and barriers to help understand how the car moves.

Annotation Metrics

  • Annotated Behaviors: We’ve noted down 120,000 driving behaviors in detail.
  • Object Labels: There are 110,000 labels tracking all objects in each scene.
  • Segmentation Maps: We’ve created 100,000 maps showing the layout of different driving areas in detail.
Autonomous Vehicle Driving Dataset
Autonomous Vehicle Driving Dataset
Autonomous Vehicle Driving Dataset
Vehicle Recognition for Toll Collection

Quality Assurance


  • Continuous Model Testing: We regularly test our dataset to make sure it’s accurate and useful for real-life driving situations.
  • Privacy and Security: We follow strict privacy laws to make sure all the data we collect is anonymous and collected responsibly.
  • Improvement Process: We listen to feedback from how well our dataset works and use it to make our data collection and labeling better.

QA Metrics

  • Behavior Recognition Accuracy: We correctly identified detailed driver behaviors with a high accuracy of 97%.
  • Object Detection Accuracy: We successfully detected and tracked different objects with an accuracy of 95%.
  • Privacy Compliance: We followed all international rules about data protection and privacy, achieving 100% compliance.


The creation of the KITTI Vision Benchmark dataset is a big step forward in self-driving car technology. It gives a thorough and very accurate view of different driving situations, which is important for teaching advanced and safe self-driving systems.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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