Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI

Project Overview:


To compile a multifaceted audio dataset specifically designed for applications in Healthcare and Conversational AI, thereby facilitating advanced recognition, comprehension, and interaction capabilities.


To compile a multifaceted audio dataset specifically tailored for applications in Healthcare and Conversational AI, thus enabling enhanced recognition, comprehension, and interaction capabilities.

Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI
Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI
Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI
Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI


  • Electronic Health Records (EHRs) represent a crucial component, enabling the comprehensive accumulation of patient histories. Furthermore, EHRs facilitate seamless access to patient data, ensuring efficient management and continuity of care.
  • Patient Intake Forms: Additionally, these forms captured essential patient-reported information, ensuring that healthcare providers have accurate initial data.
  • Laboratory Test Results: Furthermore, these results productively provided key data points from various medical tests, contributing to informed medical decisions.
  • Clinical Trial Data: In addition, this data offered insights from controlled medical studies, thereby enhancing the understanding of treatment efficacy.
case study-post
Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI
Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Audio Samples: 200,000
  • Patient-Doctor Consultations: 70,000
  • Health Helpline Recordings: 30,000
  • Medical Seminars and Lectures: 40,000
  • AI-User Interactions: 40,000
  • General Conversational Samples: 20,000

Annotation Process


  1. Noise Reduction: Filtering out background noise and enhancing voice clarity are crucial for achieving high-quality audio recordings.
  2. Segmentation: Breaking down long recordings into meaningful chunks can significantly enhance the listening experience and improve comprehension.
  3. Transcription: Converting audio data into textual representation can be a complex process.
  4. Entity Recognition: Highlighting medical terms, drug names, conditions, etc.
  5. Intent Recognition: Categorizing the purpose behind each conversational interaction.

Annotation Metrics

  • Total Annotations: 600,000 (3 annotations per audio sample on average)
  • Noise-reduced Samples: 180,000
  • Segmented Chunks: 550,000
  • Transcribed Samples: 200,000
  • Entity Tags: 150,000
  • Intent Tags: 100,000
Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI
Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI
Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI
Audio Datasets for Healthcare & Conversational AI

Quality Assurance

Expert Review:Medical professionals and linguistic experts meticulously reviewed the annotations for accuracy. Furthermore, they conducted thorough assessments to ensure the precision of the annotations.

Moreover, Consistency Checks: Automated checks to identify anomalies or inconsistencies in transcriptions are essential for ensuring data accuracy and reliability.

Additionally, Inter-annotator Agreement: Multiple annotators assessed a portion of the data to ensure consistent and reliable annotations.

QA Metrics

  • Annotations Reviewed by Experts: 60,000 (10% of total annotations)
  • Inconsistencies Identified and Corrected: 12,000 (2% of total annotations)


This ambitious undertaking, consequently, has yielded a robust audio dataset meticulously curated specifically for healthcare and conversational AI applications. Through meticulous collection and annotation, therefore, the dataset is poised to significantly bolster advancements in AI-driven healthcare solutions and conversational platforms alike.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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