Alexa Wake Words in US English

Project Overview:


As a leading data collection and annotation company, we successfully built a comprehensive dataset of audio clips featuring the “Alexa” wake word in US English. This dataset is instrumental in advancing wake word detection systems and voice assistant technologies.


Our project involved gathering a wide range of audio recordings in different acoustic environments and accents. We meticulously annotated these recordings for the “Alexa” wake word, demonstrating our expertise in handling complex data annotation tasks.

Alexa Wake Words in US English
Alexa Wake Words in US English
Alexa Wake Words in US English
Alexa Wake Words in US English


  • Voice Assistant Users: Moreover, we collaborated with Alexa users, who generously contributed audio clips of them uttering “Alexa” under various scenarios
  • Voice Actors: Additionally, to ensure diversity, we engaged professional voice actors to create synthetic wake-word recordings.
  • Public Domain Recordings: Furthermore, our team also sourced publicly available audio that contained the “Alexa” wake word.
case study-post
Alexa Wake Words in US English
Alexa Wake Words in US English

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Audio Clips Collected and Annotated: 50,000
  • User Contributions: 30,000 clips
  • Voice Actor Recordings: 10,000 clips
  • Public Domain Extracts: 10,000 clips

Annotation Process


  1. Wake Word Annotation: Firstly, each audio clip was precisely annotated to identify the “Alexa” wake word.
  2. Speaker Demographics: Additionally, we compiled metadata on speaker demographics, including accent, age, and gender.
  3. Recording Conditions: Moreover, detailed documentation of recording conditions was maintained, such as background noise levels and acoustic environments.

Annotation Metrics

  • Audio Clips with Wake Word Annotations: 50,000
  • Speaker Demographics: 50,000
  • Recording Condition Metadata: 50,000
Alexa Wake Words in US English
Alexa Wake Words in US English
Alexa Wake Words in US English
Alexa Wake Words in US English

Quality Assurance


We adhered to strict quality assurance and privacy protocols. Moreover, annotation accuracy was verified through a rigorous multi-step process involving both automated tools and human reviewers. Additionally, we ensured that all user-contributed audio clips were used with explicit consent and were anonymized to protect personally identifiable information. Furthermore, our processes comply with the latest privacy regulations.

QA Metrics

  • Annotation Validation Cases: 5,000 (10% of the total dataset)
  • Privacy Audits: Conducted on 30,000 user-contributed clips



This project represents a substantial contribution to the advancement of wake word detection and voice assistant technologies. Moreover, our comprehensive recordings, meticulous annotations, and unwavering commitment to privacy compliance highlight our proficiency as a leading data collection and annotation service provider. Furthermore, this case study serves as a prime example of our proficiency in furnishing top-tier datasets for machine learning model training across diverse domains, encompassing audio, text, image, and video data.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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