African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset

Project Overview:


The “African American Vernacular Media Audio Dataset” project was designed to curate a comprehensive dataset for training machine learning models to recognize and analyze African American Vernacular English (AAVE) in media content. This dataset serves as a valuable resource for linguistic research, cultural studies, and natural language processing applications.


The project involved the collection of audio clips featuring instances of African American Vernacular English (AAVE) speech from various media sources, including movies, TV shows, interviews, and online videos. After collecting the data, we meticulously annotated it to identify AAVE instances, thus providing valuable insights into the use of AAVE in media.

African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset
African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset
African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset
African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset


  • Movies and TV Shows: Scenes featuring characters speaking in AAVE.
  • Interviews: Conversations and interviews with African American individuals where AAVE is spoken.
  • Online Videos: Social media clips, YouTube videos, and online content showcasing AAVE usage.
case study-post
African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset
African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Audio Clips Collected: 20,000 clips
  • Media Sources: 15,000 clips
  • Interviews: 3,000 clips
  • Online Videos: 2,000 clips

Annotation Process


  1. Linguistic Annotation: Trained linguists have meticulously identified and marked segments where AAVE is spoken within each audio clip. This detailed annotation ensures accurate documentation and analysis.
  2. Metadata Logging: Furthermore, we have recorded metadata, including the source of the clip, context, and relevant cultural information. This comprehensive approach enriches the dataset.

Annotation Metrics

  • Audio Clips with AAVE Labels: 15,000 clips
  • Metadata Annotations: 10,000c
African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset
African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset
African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset
African American Vernacular Media Audio dataset

Quality Assurance


Annotation Verification: Linguists and cultural experts reviewed and verified the accuracy of AAVE annotations. Additionally, they ensured that every detail was meticulously checked for authenticity.
Data Quality Control: Rigorous checks were conducted to remove low-quality or noisy clips, ensuring a clean and reliable dataset. Consequently, we achieved a high standard of data integrity.
Data Security: We prioritized the protection of sensitive linguistic data. Moreover, we adhered to privacy regulations and obtained necessary permissions when required, ensuring comprehensive data security.

QA Metrics

  • Annotation Validation Cases: 2,000
  • Data Cleansing: Removal of low-quality or irrelevant clips


The “African American Vernacular Media Audio Dataset” empowers linguists, researchers, and developers to study African American Vernacular English in media. It provides a substantial collection of annotated audio clips, opening avenues for understanding AAVE’s cultural and linguistic nuances in various media contexts. Consequently, it enables the development of machine learning models, cultural studies, and linguistic research. This contribution fosters a deeper appreciation of language diversity and cultural representation in media content.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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