Recyclable and Household Waste Classification
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Recyclable and Household Waste Classification
Recyclable and Household Waste Classification
Recyclable and Household Waste Classification
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Recyclable and Household Waste Classification
Discover the LEGO Minifigure Faces dataset, a curated collection of 800 annotated images for facial recognition tasks.
The Recyclable and Household Waste Classification Dataset is a comprehensive collection of 15,000 high-quality images (each 256×256 pixels) depicting various recyclable materials, general waste, and household items across 30 distinct categories. With 500 images per category and 250 images per subcategory, this dataset provides a valuable resource for research and development in waste classification and recycling. The images are organized into a hierarchical folder structure with subfolders representing specific waste categories or items, making it easy for researchers and developers to navigate and utilize the dataset. Each subfolder contains images labeled as either “default” for standard studio-like representations or “real_world” for items in practical, real-world settings. This structure ensures that users can effectively train and evaluate waste classification models for both controlled and complex environments.
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The dataset covers a wide range of waste categories including plastic, paper and cardboard, glass, metal, organic waste, and textiles. Plastic items include water bottles, food containers, and disposable cutlery, while the paper and cardboard category features newspapers, magazines, and packaging materials. Glass images consist of beverage bottles and food jars, and metal waste includes aluminum and steel cans. Organic waste encompasses food scraps and compostable items, and the textile category contains clothing and shoes. By offering a diverse array of images in PNG format, this dataset supports the development of robust and accurate waste sorting and categorization systems, ultimately contributing to improved recycling efforts and environmental sustainability.
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