Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset

Project Overview:


The objective of this case study is to present the creation of a functional dataset sewn for Remote Sensing Object Segmentation tasks. 


The scope of this project insert the collection of diverse remote sensing images and the accurate definition of objects within these images to ensure data quality and purpose for Remote Sensing Object Segmentation tasks.

Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset
Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset
Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset
Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset


  • Meticulously cool and successfully curated satellite imagery.
  • Thoughtfully gathered and skillful curated aerial photography.
  • Carefully still and successfully curated drone-captured images.
  • Meticulously collected and successfully curated oceanic and atmospheric data for comprehensive insights.
case study-post
Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset
Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Images: 30,000
  • Satellite Imagery: 10,000
  • Aerial Photography: 5,000
  • Drone-captured Images: 6,000
  • Land-based Remote Sensing: 4,000
  • Oceanic and Atmospheric Data: 5,000

Annotation Process


  1. Image Selection: Curating a diverse set of remote sensing images representing various environmental and geographical conditions.
  2. Object Segmentation: Precisely outlining the regions of objects within the images, including buildings, vegetation, water bodies, and more.
  3. Quality Control: A rigorous review and refinement of annotations to ensure accuracy.

Annotation Metrics

  • Total Annotations: 150,000
  • Object Segments: 120,000
  • Quality Control Iterations: 30,000
Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset
Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset
Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset
Remote Sensing Object Segmentation Dataset

Quality Assurance


Expert Review: A team of remote sensing experts reviewed a random subset of the annotated images to validate the accuracy and consistency of object segmentation.
Inter-annotator Agreement: Multiple annotators collaboratively worked on a subset of the data to ensure agreement and maintain consistency in object segmentation.

QA Metrics

  • Annotations Reviewed by Experts: 3,000 (2% of total annotations)
  • Inconsistencies Identified and Rectified: 1,500 (1% of total annotations)


The meticulous collection and annotation processes successfully created a robust Remote Sensing Object Segmentation dataset. This dataset serves as a testament to our commitment to data accuracy, comprehensiveness, and relevance, making it a valuable resource for the remote sensing, geospatial, and machine learning communities. Researchers and practitioners can leverage this dataset to advance the accuracy and applicability of object segmentation techniques in the field of remote sensing and environmental monitoring.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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