Animal Species Image Dataset

Project Overview:


Animal Species Image Dataset: The objective is to develop a robust dataset that facilitates the training and evaluation of computer vision models, particularly in accurately identifying and classifying different animal species.


The dataset encompasses a wide range of animal species, captured in diverse environments and poses, to ensure the generalization of models across various scenarios.

Animal Species Image Dataset
Animal Species Image Dataset
Animal Species Image Dataset
Animal Species Image Dataset


  • Real-world Animal Encounters: Data is sourced from real encounters with animals, including wildlife, domestic pets, and zoo specimens.
  • Controlled Environments: Additionally, images are collected in controlled environments, such as studios, to ensure consistent lighting and backgrounds.
case study-post
Animal Species Image Dataset
Animal Species Image Dataset

Data Collection Metrics

  • Total Data Collected: 100,000 images.
  • Data Annotated for ML Training: 120,000 images annotated with detailed species labels for machine learning purposes.

Annotation Process


  1. Species Classification: Each image is annotated with the correct species label, ensuring precise classification.
  2. Object Localization: Annotators carefully outline each animal in the image to facilitate object detection tasks.
  3. Pose and Environment Annotation: Additional annotations include animal poses and environmental context, aiding in understanding real-world scenarios.

Annotation Metrics

  • Species Labels: 120,000 images annotated with accurate species labels.
  • Object Localization: 110,000 images annotated with precise object boundaries.
  • Additional Context: 100,000 images annotated with contextual information, such as poses and environments.
Animal Species Image Dataset
Animal Species Image Dataset
Animal Species Image Dataset
Animal Species Image Dataset

Quality Assurance


Regular Model Evaluation: Continuous assessment of the dataset ensures its reliability and relevance to computer vision tasks.
Privacy Measures: Strict adherence to privacy regulations ensures anonymity and responsible data collection practices.
Feedback Integration: Feedback from users and evaluations is used to iteratively improve the dataset’s quality and usefulness.

QA Metrics

  • Species Identification Accuracy: Achieved 97% accuracy in correctly identifying animal species.
  • Object Localization Accuracy: Attained 95% accuracy in accurately localizing animals within images.
  • Privacy Compliance: Maintained 100% compliance with international data protection and privacy regulations.


The creation of the Animal Species Image Dataset based on the Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset represents a significant advancement in computer vision research, particularly in the domain of animal species recognition. By providing a diverse and meticulously annotated collection of images, the dataset serves as a valuable resource for developing and benchmarking computer vision algorithms aimed at understanding and interacting with the animal kingdom effectively.


Quality Data Creation


Guaranteed TAT


ISO 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certified


HIPAA Compliance


GDPR Compliance


Compliance and Security

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